The US-Mexico Natural Gas Forum will focus specifically on this unique regional and cross-border phenomenon. As with each of the Forums, all aspects of the market will be addressed, including supply, demand, economics, risk analysis, transportation, storage, infrastructure, logistics, regulatory, etc. Representatives of industry leaders in this market, as well as market experts, will offer insight and real life case studies. Questions of presenters are encouraged, to facilitate dialogue.
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Agenda of Events
Monday | November 12
- 6:45 AM – 8:00 AM
Networking with the Industry: Registration and Continental Breakfast
- 8:00 AM – 8:15 AM
Welcome & Overview
- Ms. Christy Coleman, Managing Director, US-Mexico Natural Gas Forum
- 8:15 AM – 9:15 AM
Opening Keynote
- Dr. Jim Duncan, Director, Market Research, ConocoPhillips
- 9:15 AM – 10:00 AM
Keynote Presentation
- Speaker, TBD
- 10:00 AM – 10:30 AM
Networking Break
- 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM
Where’s This Market Headed – The Long or Short of it
This panel examines market fundamentals for Mexico and moving gas from the US into Mexico. Demand is increasing due to the need for powergen in Mexico. Importing LNG, pipeline infrastructure and the new administration are all playing a role in the changing of the dynamics. Our experts will work to peel the onion back to discover and uncover some of the elements in this new and evolving world for the industry.
- Mr. Anupam Das, Manager, Market Analytics, Nextera Energy Resources
- Mr. Warren Waite, Associate Director, Energy Research and Analysis, OPIS PointLogic
- Mr. John Hilfiker, Energy Analyst, S&P Global Platts
- Moderator – Mr. Michael Brown, Vice-President Head of Gas & Power Origination, ENGIE Energy Marketing NA, Inc.
- 12:00 PM – 12:30 PM
Board Buses & Depart for Optional Networking Activity (Topgolf)
- 12:30 PM – 5:00 PM
Topgolf San Antonio
- 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Monday Evening Attendee Welcome Reception (Located in the Zocca Restaurant – Riverwalk level of the Westin Riverwalk Hotel)
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Tuesday | November 13
- 7:00 AM – 8:00 AM
Networking with the Industry: Registration & Continental Breakfast
- 8:00 AM – 8:15 AM
Welcome & Overview
- Ms. Christy Coleman, Managing Director, US-Mexico Natural Gas Forum
- 8:15 AM – 10:00 AM
What can we expect from the new Mexican President??
What remains the same / what changes under Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO):
•What is the overall strategy of the López Obrador administration on
energy? Ideology vs. Pragmatism
•Will energy be a matter of national security in Mexico under the new administration? Nationalism vs. Markets?
•What will the role of labor be in the new energy landscape?
•Clientelism in the Energy Sector and the Risks for the Regulatory Framework?
•What is the status of PEMEX in the López Obrador administration? A field of many actors or a field with one actor and many partners?
•The political feasibility of the new project: The new political composition of the country
What impacts could Mexico’s new government have on the country’s natural gas market?
•How big an impact will AMLO’s power sector proposals have on Mexican gas demand?
•Can domestic natural gas production be ramped up to cut US imports?
•Could the reintegration of CFE/Pemex change the gas market and capacity rights within Mexico?
•Will new pipeline transport infrastructure be developed in Mexico under the new government?- Dr. Tony Payan, Director, Mexico Center, Rice University’s Baker Institute
- Mr. James Fowler, Senior Energy Analyst Americas, ICIS
- Moderator – Ms. Sandy Tomme, Trader, South Texas, ConocoPhillips
- 10:00 AM – 10:30 AM
Networking Break
- 10:30 AM – 11:30 AM
Maximizing value for transactions crossing the Border
This panel discusses strategies and tools that can be leveraged to improve value for marketers/traders and counterparties conducting commercial natural gas transactions crossing the Border into Mexico. Concepts are provided from a provider of business-to-business trade receivables and credit management tools, a leading provider of natural gas and shale news/market data, including Mexico price and flow data, as well as a leading industry analyst with specific subject matter knowledge on the Mexico market.
- Mr. Pat McKinnon, Senior Director, Euler Hermes Energy
- Mr. Patrick Rau, CFA, Director of Strategy & Research, NGI’s Mexico Gas Price Index
- Mr. James Fowler, Senior Energy Analyst Americas, ICIS
- Moderator – Mr. Joe Raia, Managing Director, RJ O’Brien and Associates LLC
- 11:30 AM – 1:30 PM
Luncheon and Keynote Address:
- Mr. Orlando Alvarez, President & CEO, BP Energy Company
- 1:30 PM – 3:15 PM
Getting gas to markets in Mexico – Pipeline & Storage Infrastructure updates
A substantial amount of new pipeline and storage infrastructure is required to serve growing demand for various markets across Mexico. New development and re-plumbing will take place from the Permian, through south Texas and within Mexico. This panel provides updates on key infrastructure projects moving U.S. supply to various Mexico markets. Perspectives are provided from operators and developers of projects, as well as a key industry analyst.
- Mr. Eduardo Prud’homme, Chief of Independent System Operator, CENAGAS
- Mr. Ernesto Ochoa, Vice President, Commercial, Kinder Morgan – Tennessee Gas Pipeline
- Mr. Kurt Knight-Turcan, Director, Business Development, Enbridge
- Mr. Michael Ward, President & CEO, Mirage Energy Corporation
- Mr. Kevin Petak, Vice President, ICF
- Moderator – Mr. Geoff Street, Director, Marketing- Mexico, Tenaska Gas de México
- 3:15 PM – 3:45 PM
Networking Break
- 3:45 PM – 5:00 PM
Mexico Natural Gas Regulation – Developments and Trends
With the participation of outstanding representatives from Mexico’s governmental agencies, this panel will offer a rich discussion about recent regulatory developments and expected trends in natural gas exploration and production, pipeline transportation and distribution, system operation, as well as marketing. Hot topics will include hydraulic fracturing, autonomy of the regulatory bodies under the AMLO administration, USMCA relevant contents, storage policy, effective open access, and more…
- Mr. Ruben Pedro Rodriguez, Director General for Economic Analysis in Gas Unit, Energy Regulatory Commission
- Mr. Eduardo Prud’homme, Chief of Independent System Operator, CENAGAS
- Ms. Adamelia Burgueño Mercado, General Director for Statistics & Economic Evaluation, Comsión Nacional de Hidrocarburo
- Moderator – Mr. José María Lujambio, Partner & Energy Practice Director, Cacheaux, Cavazos & Newton, L.L.P.
- 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Cocktail Reception – Hosted by the Sponsors
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Wednesday | November 14
- 7:15 AM – 8:00 AM
Networking with the Industry: Registration and Continental Breakfast
- 8:00 AM – 8:15 AM
Welcome and Overview
- Ms. Christy Coleman, Managing Director, US-Mexico Natural Gas Forum
- 8:15 AM – 9:15 AM
Opening Keynote
- Mr. Mike Howard, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Howard Energy Partners
- 9:15 AM – 9:45 AM
Networking Break
- 9:45 AM – 10:30 AM
Keynote Presentation
- Mr. Guillermo Turrent, CEO, CFEnergía
- 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM
Panel: Gas Buyers’ Expectations and What They Can Expect
1. Which price index will Mexico gas purchases rely upon? Near term and long term? HH, HSC, Waha, Aqua Dulce, other.
2. Do you see a local price index developing? What would need to happen for this to take place?
3. Will Mexico demand increase faster or slower than current market expectations? And will US production be able to keep pace?
4. Which sectors will experience the most demand growth? Residential, Commercial, Industrial? Which one will affect the market the most and in what ways? (i.e. – only 14% of households in Mexico have access to air conditioning.)
5. Will credit be a concern? If so, how will credit concerns with Mexican buyers be addressed? Will it impact the ability to do longer term sales agreements?
6. Do end users in Mexico have plans to take pipeline capacity on pipelines within Mexico. Is this possible with CFE holding most of the capacity?
7. What things need to happen to signal the market to incentivize production growth and drilling?
8. What factors, other than price, influence your decision to choose one supplier over another?- Mr. Pedro Elio, Vicepresidente Comercial, BP
- Mr. Jim Yorgason, General Manager, Mexico Gas & Power, Shell Trading Mexico
- Mr. Guillermo Turrent, CEO, CFEnergía
- Moderator – Mr. Brian McCann-Hermis, Natural Gas Supply and Marketing, Gulf Region, ConocoPhillips
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