March saw largest single-month-over-month gain in a decade
April 27, 2021
For the third consecutive month, the upstream sector of the Texas oil and natural gas industry has added jobs. According to data from the Texas Workforce Commission, the sector added 4,300 jobs in March – the largest single month-over-month gain since the summer of 2011.
The upstream sector has added 12,000 jobs since the low point in September 2020, bringing the total upstream employment in Texas to 169,700 upstream jobs – jobs that pay among the highest wages in Texas. Five of the past 6 months have showed jobs gains in Texas’ upstream oil and natural gas sector.
“As our state continues to recover economically from the effects of the COVID-19 global pandemic, continued gains in the upstream sector of the Texas oil and natural gas industry are another sign that life is getting back to normal for many Texans,” said Todd Staples, president of the Texas Oil & Gas Association. “Oil and natural gas will continue to play an essential role in environmental progress and the energy and economic strength of Texas, providing power, products, high-paying jobs and billions in government revenues for decades to come. Positive trends in the oil and natural gas industry benefit every Texan, whether you live near the oil patch or not.”
The upstream sector is comprised of oil and natural gas extraction and support activities for mining. It excludes other industry sectors such as refining, petrochemicals, fuels wholesaling, oilfield equipment manufacturing, pipelines, and gas utilities, which support hundreds of thousands of additional Texas jobs.