Bakken Shale — North Dakota/Montana Spurred by strong production results in the Bakken and Eagle Ford Shale regions, Marathon Oil reported a second-quarter 2018 profit of $96 million. This compares…
- News Releases
New Report Highlights Massive Benefits in San Antonio Thanks to Eagle Ford Shale Development
by STEER September 13, 2018Abundance of locally-produced oil and gas benefits the economy, environment and local schools A new report from Texans for Natural Gas highlights how oil and gas production in the Eagle Ford Shale…
The South Texas Energy and Economic Roundtable (STEER), serving the Eagle Ford Shale region in South Texas, has opened its call for nominations for the sixth annual Eagle Ford Excellence Awards.…
- Blog
Debunking a Myth About San Antonio Ozone and Oil & Gas Development
by Texans For Natural Gas September 6, 2018Following the recent announcement from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that Bexar County was in non-attainment under federal ozone standards, critics tried to blame nearby oil and gas development in the Eagle Ford…
The San Antonio Business Journal, Houston Business Journal and South Texas Energy & Economic Roundtable are co-hosting an event to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the discovery of a new gas…
- Blog
The Evolution of the Texas Railroad Commission and its Historic Dedication to Safety
by Katie C. Lee August 22, 2018In 1891, the Railroad Commission of Texas was created by the Texas Legislature to protect Texans from the flourishing railroad industry’s abuse of power and discriminatory rates through regulation. The…
✔️Lunches packed ✔️Shoes on ✔️Excitement 100% It takes a lot of energy to get your kids ready for school. Look Beyond Learn how natural gas and oil play a vital role.…
SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS (August 17, 2018) – The South Texas Energy and Economic Roundtable (STEER), serving the Eagle Ford Shale region in South Texas, is opening its call for nominations…
Nothing says football season like the sound of cleats on turf, shoulder pads crashing and a roaring crowd as the ball flies through the air – but none of this…
Last week saw two major announcements from Texas government officials that illustrate the huge way in which the ability to produce oil and gas from shale formations benefits the state’s…