The bridge over the Guadalupe River at Highway 72 was closed as of Monday, January 14, 2019. This closure will continue for the next 18 to 24 months. Please inform all friends and businesses that you know travel in the area of the closure.
While it is a new construction and signs are out, some are not paying attention and causing issues. More signs are being placed to help eliminate the issues. 18 wheelers are having a hard time when they find they cannot continue both east and west bound sides of the bridge. The current road that traffic is using as a turn-around has families and children and it has been reported that the trucks are speeding after they turn around. Please advise them to use caution.
Road information can be found on .
One alternative route is: detour on US Hwy 183 South from W. Heaton and S. Esplanade to the US Hwy 183 South and US Hwy 87 split. Stay to the right and continue on US Hwy 87 to FM 72 at the Corner Store/Circle K.
All trucks that have loads wider than 11’ must use FM 766 as a detour.
Please use caution on the bridge on 183 as it is narrow.
Thank you for your assistance with passing the word.