October 24, 2022
AUSTIN – Data released by the Texas Workforce Commission indicates that upstream oil and natural gas employment grew in September by 900 jobs from August.
“We continue to see steady growth in upstream oil and natural gas employment, which is good news because these jobs pay among the highest wages in Texas and directly contribute to our country’s national and energy security,” said Todd Staples, president of the Texas Oil & Gas Association. “What we need are policies that enable critically needed infrastructure projects to move forward to continue job growth and maintain energy security for our country.”
Since the low point in employment September of 2020, industry has added 45,900 Texas upstream jobs, averaging growth of 1,913 jobs per month. At 202,900 upstream jobs, September 2022 jobs were up by 34,900, or 20.8%, from September 2021
The upstream sector involves oil and natural gas extraction and excludes other industry sectors such as refining, petrochemicals, fuels wholesaling, oilfield equipment manufacturing, pipelines, and gas utilities, which support hundreds of thousands of additional jobs in Texas. The employment shown also includes “Support Activities for Mining,” which is mostly oil and gas-related but also includes some small amount of other types of mining.
The upstream sector involves oil and natural gas extraction and excludes other industry sectors such as refining, petrochemicals, fuels wholesaling, oilfield equipment manufacturing, pipelines, and gas utilities, which support hundreds of thousands of additional jobs in Texas. The employment shown also includes “Support Activities for Mining,” which is mostly oil and gas-related but also includes some small amount of other types of mining.
Founded in 1919, TXOGA is the oldest and largest oil and gas trade association in Texas representing every facet of the industry.
STEER is the leading Eagle Ford Shale resource in the region and is the primary coordinator for communication and public advocacy surrounding the oil and natural gas industry in South Texas. STEER serves as the bridge connecting the industry and communities throughout South Texas to ensure positive collaboration and communication surrounding the activities associated with energy production in the Eagle Ford Shale and Rio Grande Valley. In 2018, the boards of STEER and TXOGA approved the merger of STEER into TXOGA. The merger was finalized on January 1, 2020.